My Foot Almost Stumbled

My foot almost stumbled when I saw the Prosperity of the wicked. Their bull brings forth without toil, and they run to and fro. Then when I went into the temple of The Lord I understood. We must remain strong in the pitfalls of our life. We will have many setbacks for The Lord did not say it would be easy, but we must press toward the mark of his calling. Should we do bad to receive grace upon grace? No, we don’t have to. The Most High can bless us even while we are trying to serve him. When we try to serve him; we have a clean conscious toward him and others. We are doing our duty, that’s all we can do on this side of creation. We have to place our hope in him, and His power, for he says He will not leave our soul in hell. This is a comfort for we all know that we are deserving of it for the many times we have missed the mark. But we get to experience the love, mercy, and grace of God because of our shortcomings. How else would we comprehend just who he is without needing him to work and move in our lives? My foot almost stumbled, but I thank God that he picked me up and set me on the right path. A path not full of condemnation because of the prosperity of those who don’t care; but a more right path so that I may approach his throne having done all that I can to honor just who he is by manifesting that righteousness within me.

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